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[1] Ardrey R.. The Territorial Imperative. New York: Athenium, 1966; Bigelow R.. The Dawn Warriors. Boston etc., 1969; Vayda A.P. Hypothesis About Function of War // War: Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression. New York, 1968; Idem. War in Ecological Perspective. New York, 1976; Chagnon N.A. Yanomamö: The Fierce People. New York etc., 1977.

[2] Fabbro D. Peaceful Societies: an Introduction // Journal of Peace Research 1978. Vol. 15. P. 76–83; Ferguson R.B. Introduction: Studing War // Warfare, Culture and Environment / Ed. R.B. Ferguson. New York. 1984; Idem. Blood of the Leviathan: Western Contact and Warfare in Amazonia // American Ethnologist. 1990. Vol. 17. P. 237–257; Robarchek R.A. Helplessness, Fearfulness and Peacefulness: the Emotional and Motivational Contexts of Semai Social Relations // Anthropological Quarterly. 1986.Vol. 59. №4; Montagu M.F.A. The Nature of Human Aggression. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976; Dentan R.K. (1978). Notes on Childhood in a Nonviolent Context: The Semai Case (Malaysia) // Learning Non–aggression: The Experience of Non–literate Societies / Ed. M.F.A. Montague. Fair Lawn: Oxford University Press, 1978. P. 94–143.

[3] См, например: Ember C.R. Myths About Hunter–gatherers // Ethnology. 1978. Vol. 17. P. 439–448; Dennen J. M. G., van der. The Origin of War: the Evolution of a Male Coalitional Reproductive Strategy. Groningen: Origin Press, 1995. 2 vols. P. 620–621, 643–645, 661–662; Otterbein K.F. An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth: A Cross-Cultural Study of Feuding // American Anthropologist. 1965. Vol.67. P. 1470–1482; Idem Internal War: A Cross-Cultural Study // Ibid. 1968. Vol. 70. P. 277–289; Idem. The Evolution of War: A Cross-Cultural Study. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1970.

[4] Ember M. Statistical Evidence for an Ecological Explanation of Warfare  // American Anthropologist. 1982.Vol. 84 P. 645–649.

[5] Шнирельман В.А. У истоков войны и мира // Першиц А.И., Семенов Ю.И., Шнирельман В.А. Война и мир в ранней истории человечества. Часть первая. С. 5–176. M.: ИЭА РАН, 1994. C. 102.

[6] Коротаев A.В, Крадин Н.Н. (личные сообщения).

[7] Eibl-Eibesfeld I. Die !Ko–Buschmann Gesellschaft. Monogr. zur Humanethologie. Bd. 1. Munchen: Piper, 1972; Idem. The Biology of Peace and War. London: Thames and Hudson, 1979.

[8] Ciochon R.L. Hominid Cladistics and the Ancestry of Modern Apes and Humans // New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry / Eds. R.L. Ciochon, R.S. Corruccini. New York: Plenum Press, 1983. P. 781-843; Фогель Ф., Мотульски А. Генетика человека. Пер. с англ. Т. 3. М.: Мир, 1990. C. 7–18; Блан М. Генетическая эволюция человека // Генетика и наследственность. Пер. с франц. / Ред. С.Г. Васецкий. М.: Мир, 1987. С. 116-137.

[9] Goodall, J. The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Belkap Press, 1986. P. 282–284, 313–356.

[10] Чебоксаров Н.Н., Чебоксарова И.А. Расы. Народы .Культуры. М.: Наука, 1985. C. 176–178; Goring-Morris A.N. At the Edge: Terminal Pleistocene Hunter–Gatherers in the Negev and Sinai // BAR. 1987. (British Archaeological Reports). Vol. 361.

[11] Cм., например: Johnson A.W., Earle T. The Evolution of Human Societies: From Foraging Group to Agrarian State. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000 P. 61–82.

[12] Cводки, см., например: Шнирельман В.А. Указ. соч.; Dennen J.M.G., van der. Op. cit.

[13] Шнирельман В.А. Указ. соч.; Шнирельман В.А. Война и мир в традиционных обществах. М.: ИНИОН РАН; ИЭА РАН, 1992.

[14] Goodall J. Op. cit.

[15] Dyson-Hudson R., Smith E.A. Human territoriality: An Ecological Reassessment // American Anthropologist. 1978.Vol. 80. P. 21–41.

[16] Cashdan E. Territoriality Among Human Foragers: Ecological Models and an Application to Four Bushman Groups // Current Anthropology. 1983. Vol. 24. P. 47–66.

[17] Шнирельман В.А. Война и мир в традиционных обществах. C. 73–75, 95–96.

[18] Ibid. C. 73–75, 95–96; Smith E.A. Risk and Uncertainity in the "Original Affluent" Society: Evolutionary Ecology of Resource–sharing and Land Tenure // Hunters and Gatherers 1: History, Evolution and Change in Hunting and Gathering Societies / Eds. T. Ingold, D. Riches, J. Woodburn. Oxford: Berg, 1987. P. 222–251.

[19] Hamilton W.J. et al. Defence of Space and Resources by Chacma (Papio Ursinus) Baboon Troops in an African Desert and Swamp // Ecology. 1976. Vol. 57 P. 1264–1272.

[20] Owens M., Owens D. Cry of the Kalahari. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985. P. 58–59, 67.

[21] Dyson-Hudson R., Smith E.A. Op. cit. P. 23.

[22] Lorenz K. On Agression. London: Methuen, 1966.

[23] Wilson E.O. Sociobiology: a New Synthesis. Cambridge MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1975. P. 256.

[24] См., например: Бойко И.Б. Проявления агрессивности несовершеннолетних осужденных женского пола // Вопросы психологии. 1993 № 4 P. 27–30.

[25] Hinde R.A. Biological Bases of Human Social Behaviour. New York et al.: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1974. P. 250.

[26] Cashdan E. Op. cit.

[27] Своеобразные звуки бушменской фонетики мы, в соответствии с установившейся традицией передаем так: / – зубное щелкание, // – латеральное щелкание,  – альвеолярное щелкание, ! – альвеолярно-палатальное (церебральное) щелкание, ~ – назализация, ’ – гортанная смычка, ’’ – гортанная аспирация, _ – низкий тон, ­ – высокий тон. См: Marshall L. The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. XIX–XX; Barnard A. Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: a Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. XIX.

[28] Petersson N. Territorial Adaptations Among Desert Hunter–Gatherers: The !Kung and Australians Compared // Social and Ecological Systems / Ed. P.C. Burnam. London et al.: Academic Press, 1979; Heinz H.J. Territoriality Among the Bushmen in General and the !Ko in Particular // Anthropos. 1972. Vol. 67. P. 405–416; Barnard A. Hunters and Herders…; Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana: Tradition and Social Change. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1986.

[29] Steyn H.P. Southern Kalahari San Subsistence Ecology: a Reconstruction // The South African Archaeological Bulletin 1988. Vol. 39. P. 117–124.

[30] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana // Hunters and Gatherers Today / Ed. M.GBicchieri. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. P. 327–368.

[31] Marshall L. Marriage Among !Kung Bushmen // Africa. 1959. Vol. 29. P. 335–365; Idem. !Kung Bushman Bands // Africa. 1960. Vol. 30. P. 325– 355; Idem. Sharing, Talking and Giving: Relief of Social Tensions among !Kung Bushmen // Africa 1961. Vol. 31. P 231–249; Idem. The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976; Marshall J. Hunting Among the Kalahari Bushmen // Peoples ans Cultures in Africa / Ed. E.P. Skinner. New York: Doubleday – Natural History Press, 1973. P. 106–121; Marshall-Thomas E.M. The Harmless People. London, 1959 (2nd ed.).

[32] Бьерре Й. Затерянный мир Калахари. М.: Географгиз, 1963.

[33] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana; Idem. !Kung Spatial Organization: An Ecological and Historical Perspectiuve // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung and Their Neighbors / Eds. R.B. Lee, I DeVore. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. 73–97; Idem. The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979; Idem. The Dobe !Kung. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984; Howell N. Demography of the Dobe !Kung. New York: Academic Press, 1979; Katz R. Boiling Energy. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1982.

[34] Lebzelter V. Bei den !Kung Buschleute am oberen Omuramba und Ovambo (Südwestafrica) // Mitteilungen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft. 1928–1929. Bd. 59. S. 12–16; Idem. Eingeborenenkulturen in Sudwest und Sudafrika. Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1934; Wilhelm J.H. Die Kung Buschleute // Jahrbuch des Museums fur Volkerkunde. 1953. Bd. 12. S. 91–189; Kaufmann H. (1910). Die Auin. Ein Beitrag zur Buschmannforschung // Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 23: 135–160; Passarge S. Die Buschmanner der Kalahari // Mitteilungen aus den Deutchen Schutzgebieten. 1905. Bd. 18. S. 198–200.

[35] См., например: Andersson, C. Lake Ngami or Explorations and Discoveries During Four Years’ Wanderings in the Wilds of South West Africa. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1856; Galton F. The Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical Africa. London: Murray, 1854; Baines T. Explorations in South–West Africa. Farnsborough: Gregg International Publications, 1968. (repr. of: "London, 1864"); Chapman J. Travels in the Interior of South Africa. London: Bell and Daldy, 1864.2 vols.

[36] Вleek D.F. The Naron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928; Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana: Tradition and Social Change. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1986; Barnard A. Hunters and Herders…

[37] Silberbauer G.B. 1972. The G/wi Bushmen // Hunters and Gatherers Today / Ed. M.G. Bicchieri. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. P. 217–352; Idem. Hunter and the Habitat in the Central Kalahari Desert. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1981; Tanaka J. Subsistence ecology of Central Kalahari San // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung and Their Neighbors / Eds. R.B. Lee, I. DeVore  Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. 98–119; Idem. The San, Hunter–gatherers of the Kalahari. Tokyo: Univ. of Tokyo Press, 1980; Idem. The Ecology and Social structure of Central Kalahari Bushmen // Kyoto University African Studies. 1981. Vol. 3.

[38] Heinz H.J. Territoriality Among the Bushmen in General and the !Ko in Particular // Anthropos. 1972. Bd. 67. S. 405–416; Idem. Acculturative Problems Arising in a Bushman Development Scheme // The South African Journal of Science. 1974. 1974.Vol. 71. P. 78–85; Heinz H.J., Lee M. Namkwa: Life among the Bushmen. London: Jonathan Cape, 1978; Eibl-Eibesfeld I. Die !Ko–Buschmann Gesellschaft. Monogr. zur Humanethologie. Bd. 1. Munchen: Piper, 1972; Idem. Aggression in the !Ko Bushmen // War: It’s Causes and Correlates / Eds. M.A Nettleship, R.D. Givens, A. Nettlesip. The Hague – Paris: Mouton, 1975. P. 281–296; Cashdan E. Territoriality Among Human Foragers: Ecological Models and an Application to Four Bushman Groups // Current Anthropology. 1983. Vol. 24. P. 47–66.

[39] Barnard A. Hunters and Herders…; Lewis–Williams J.D. Believing and Seeing: Symbolic Meaning in Southern San Rock Art. London: Academic Press, 1981; Schapera I. The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1930.

[40] Bixler D., Biesele M., Hitchcock R. C. Land Rights, Local Institutions and Grassroot Development Among the Ju/’Hoansi of Northeastern Namibia // International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. Newsletter. 1993. № 2. P. 23–29; Kanjii K. Interface Between Hereros and San of Hamibia: The Ignored Reality, 2000. /http: www.und.ac.za/und/ccms/articles/ovakuru.htm#juhoan.

[41] В частности, см.: Mallick D.I.G. et al. A Geological Interpretation of Landsat Imagery and Air Photography of Botswana // Institute of Geological Sciences. Natural Environment Research Council. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, 1981. Vol. 6.

[42] Layton R. Uluru: An Aboriginal History of Ayers Rock. Canberra: Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies, 1986.

[43] Mountford C.P. Brown Men and Red Sand. Melbourne: Robertson and Mullens, 1950; Idem. Ayers Rock: Its People, Their Beliefs and Their Art. Sydney et al.: Angus and Robertson, 1965; Tindale N. Totemic Beliefs in the Western Desert of Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum, 1959. Vol. 13. P. 305–332; Idem. Pitjantjatjara // Hunters and Gatherers Today / Ed. M.G. Bicchieri. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. P. 98–134; Gould R.A. Yiwara: Foragers of the Australian Desert. New York: Scribner, 1969; Gould R.A. Puntutjarpa Rock Shelter in the Australian Desert Culture // The American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers. New York, 1977.Vol. 54 Pt 1; Berndt R.M. A Preliminary Report of Field Work in the Ooldea Region, Western South Australia // Oceania. 1943. Vol. 14. P. 30–66; Berndt R.M. The Concept of the Tribe in the Western Desert of Australia  // Oceania 1962. Vol. 30 P. 81–107; Strehlow T.G.H. Culture, Social Structure and Environment in Aboriginal Central Australia  // Aboriginal Man in Australia / Eds. R.M. Berndt, C.H. Berndt. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1965. P. 121–145;

Strehlow T.G.H. Songs of Central Australia. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1971; Hilliard W.M. The People in between: The Pitjantjatjara People of Ernabella. London: Hodder and Soughton, 1968; Yengoyan A.A. Demographic Factors in Pitjandjara Social Organization // Australian Aboriginal Anthropology / Eds. R.M. Berndt, C.H. Berndt. Nedlands: University of Western Australia Press, 1970. P. 79–91; Layton R. Uluru: An Aboriginal History of Ayers Rock. Canberra: Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies, 1986.

[44] См: В.АШнирельман У истоков войны и мира.

[45] Blainey G. Triumph of the Nomads: a History of Ancient Australia. Melbourne – Sydney: Macmillan, 1975. P. 107; Warner W.L. A Black Civilization. New York: Harper, 1937/1958. P. 162–163.

[46] Бакли У. Австралийский робинзон. М.: Наука, 1966.

[47] Steward J.H. Basin–plateau Aboriginal Sociopolitical Groups // Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington, 1938. Bull. 120; Harris J.S. The White Knives Shoshoni of Nevada // Acculturation in Seven American Indian Tribes / Ed. R. Linton. Glouchester (Mass.), 1963. P. 39–116, (repr. of: “New York, 1940”).

[48] Janetski J. C. Ethnohistory and Ethnography of the Elko and Ely Districts // Prehistory, Ethnohistory and History of Eastern Nevada: Cultural Resources Summary of the Elko and Ely Districts / Ed. S.R James. Bureau of Land Management, Nevada. Cultural Resource Series. Washington, 1981. №. 3. P. 156–160.

[49] Kelly C. Jedediah Smith on the Salt Desert Trail // Utah Historical Quaterly. 1930. Vol.3. №. 1. P. 23–27, №. 2. P. 35–52; Ogden P.S. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake Country Journals, 1827–29. London: The Hudson’s Bay Record Society, 1971; Bryant E. What I Saw in California. Minneapolis: Ross and Haines, 1967; Delano A. Across the Plains and Among the Diggins. New York: Wilson and Erickson, 1936; Schiel J. Journey through the Rocky Mountains and the Humboldt Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1959.

[50] Jennings J.D. The Desert West // Prehistoric Man in the New World / Eds. J.D. Jennings, E. Norbeck. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press, 1971. P. 148–170; Strong E. Stone Age in the Great Basin. Portland et al.: Binfords and Mort, 1969; Aikens C.M. The Far West // Ancient Native Americans / Ed. J.D Jennings. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1978. P. 60–89; Aikens C.M., Witherspoon Y.T. Great Basin Numic Prehistory // Anthropology of the Desert West / Eds. S.J Condie, D.D. Fowler. University of Utah Anthropological Papers. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986. Vol. 110. P. 9–20; Cressman L.S. Prehistory of the Far West. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1977; Simms S.R. Great Basin Environments, Present and Past // BAR. 1987. Vol. 381; Madsen D.B. Get It When the Gettin’s Good: A Variable Model of Great Basin Subsistance and Settlement Based on Data from the Eastern Great Basin // Man and Environment in the Great Basin /  Eds. D.B. Madsen, F. O’Connell. Society For American Archaeology. Paper 2. P. 207–226; Madsen D.B. Recent Data on the Question of a Hiatus in the Eastern Great Basin // American Antiquity. 1994. Vol. 43. P. 508–509. Madsen D.B., Rhode D. (Eds.). Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994; Kelly R.L. Late Holocene Great Basin Prehistory // Journal of World Prehistory. 1997. Vol. 11. P. 1–50 и др.

[51] Marshall L. The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. 19; Barnard A. Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: a Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. 41.

[52] Bixler D., Biesele M., Hitchcock R. C. Land Rights, Local Institutions and Grassroot Development Among the Ju/’Hoansi of Northeastern Namibia // International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. Newsletter. 1993. № 2. P. 25; Kanjii K. Interface Between Hereros and San of Hamibia: The Ignored Reality, 2000. /http: www.und.ac.za/und/ccms/articles/ovakuru.htm#juhoan.

[53] Marshall L. The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 2–7, 62–73; Leistner O.A. Southern Africa // Arid Land Ecosystems / Eds. D.W. Goodall, R.A. Perry. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1979. 2 vols.Vol. 1. P. 110–122; Cole M.M. South Africa. London: Methuen – New York: Dutton, 1966. P. 55; Shostak M. Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1981. P. 81–82; Бабаев А.Г., Дроздов Н.Н., Зонн И.С., Фрейкин З.Г. Пустыни. М.: Мысль, 1986. P. 172–177; Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana: Tradition and Social Change. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1986.

[54] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 127; Lee R.B. (1976). !Kung Spatial Organization. P. 40.

[55] Bixler D., Biesele M., Hitchcock R. C. Land Rights, Local Institutions… P. 27–29.

[56] Lee R.B. The Dobe !Kung. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984

[57] Cм.: Бабаев и др.,Указ. соч. С. 178–179; Соколов В.Е. Фауна мира. Млекопитающие. Справочник. М.: Агропромиздат, 1990. С. 159, 163–165; Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 124–130; Thackeray J.F. Climatic Change and Mammalian Fauna from Holocene Deposits in Wonderwerk Cave // Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere / Ed. J.C. Vogel (Ed.). Rotterdam – Boston: Balkema, 1984. P. 373; Yellen J.E., Lee R.B. The Dobe – /Du /da Environment: Background to a Hunting and Gathering Way of Life  // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung and Their Neighbors / Eds. Lee R.B., DeVore I. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. 40–41; Owens M., Owens D. Cry of the Kalahari. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985. P. 132, 214–215; Mitchell P.J. The Late Quaternary Landscape at Shehonghong in the Lesotho Highlands, Southern Africa // Antiquity. 1996. Vol. 70. P. 628.

[58] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 92–93.

[59] Silberbauer G.B. Hunter and the Habitat in the Central Kalahari Desert. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1981. P 12; Tanaka J. Subsistence ecology of Central Kalahari San // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers… P. 110.

[60] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 105–120, 92–95, 98–101; Idem. !Kung Bushman Bands // Africa. 1960. Vol.30. P. 335.

[61] Tanaka J. Subsistence ecology of Central Kalahari San // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers… P. 111, 117–118.

[62] Leser H. Landschaftokologische Studien im Kalahari Sandgebiet um Auob und Nossob. (Erdwissenschaftliche Forschung. Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur. Bd 3). Wiesbaden, 1971.

[63] Logan R.F., Causes, Climates and Distribution of Deserts // Desert Biology / Ed. G.W. Brown New York – London: Academic Press, 1968. Vol 1. P. 21–50.

[64] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 94; Nurse G.T., Jenkins T. Health and the Hunter–gatherer Biomedical studies. Basel – London: S.Karger, 1977.

[65] Cм., например: Bar-Yosef, 1996: 303)

[66] Brooks A.S. 1984 San Land–Use Patterns, Past and Present: Implications for Southern African Prehistory // Frontiers: South African Archaeology Today / Eds. M.J. Hall, G. Avery, D.M. Avery, M.L. Wilson,  A Humphreys. BAR. Vol. 207. P. 40–52. См. также: Brooks A.S., Yellen J.E. The Preservation of Activity Areas in the Archaeological Record: Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Work in Northwest Ngamiland, Botswana // Method and Theory for Antiquity Area Research: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach / Ed. K. Susan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. P. 47; Robbins L.H., Murphy M.L., Stevens N.J. et al. Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of Drotsky’s Cave, Western Kalahari Desert, Botswana // Journal of Archaeological Science. 1996. Vol. 23: 8–11; Robbins L.H., Murphy M.L., Stewart .K.M., Campbell A.C., Brook G.A. Barbed Bone Points, Paleoenvironment, and the Antiquity of Fish Exploitation in the Kalahari Desert, Botswana // Journal of Field Archaeology. 1994. Vol. 21. P. 257–264.

[67] Brooks A.S. 1984 San Land–Use Patterns… P. 47–48; cм. также: Helgren D.M., Brooks A.S. Geoarchaeology at Gi, a Middle and Late Stone Age Site in the Northwestern Kalahari // Journal of Archeological Science. 1983. Vol. 10. P. 181–197.

[68] Tobias P.V. Introduction // Symposium on Bushmen of the Kalahari / South African Journal of Science. 1974. Vol. 56. P. 254–260; Deacon H.J. Where Hunters Gathered: A Study of Holocene Stone Age People in the Eastern Cape. Claremont: South African Archaeological Society Monograph Series 1, 1976.

[69] Deacon J. Changing Patterns in the Late Pleistocene // Quaternary Research. 1978. Vol. 10. P. 88, 195.

[70] Deacon H.J. Where Hunters Gathered…; Idem. Deacon H.J. Planting an Idea: An Archaeology of Stone Age Gatherers in South Africa // South African Archaeological Bulletin. 1993. Vol. 48. P. 86–93; Deacon J. Changing Patterns… P. 106–107; Deacon J. (1988). The Scale and Timing of the Environmental Changes over the Last 20,000 Years in the Southern Cape, South Africa // Prehistoric Cultures and Environments in the Late Quaternary of Africa / Eds. J. Bower , D Lubell. BAR. 1988. Vol. 405. P. 145–160; Deacon J., Lancaster N., Scott D. (1984). Evidence for Late Quaternary Climatic Change in Southern Africa // Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere / Ed. J.C. Vogel. Rotterdam – Boston: Balkema. P. 391–404; Parkington J., Hall M. Papers in the Prehistory of the Western Cape, South Africa // BAR. 1987. Vol. 332; Mitchell P.J. The Early Microlithic Assemblages of Southern Africa // BAR. 1988. Vol. 388. P. 13–16; Idem. Human Adaptations in South Africa during the Last Glacial Maximum // Prehistoric Cultures and Environments… P. 163–169; Deacon H.J., Thackeray J.F.  Late Pleistocene Environmental Changes and Implications for the Archaeological Record in Southern Africa // Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates… P. 377–378; Opperman H. The Later Stone Age of the Drakensberg Range and Its Foothills // BAR 1987. Vol. 339. P. 14–15.

[71] Jaсobson L. Hunting Versus Gathering in an Arid Ecosystem: the Evidence from the Namib Desert // Frontiers: South African Archaeology Today. P. 75–79; Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 63; Foley R. A Reconsideration of the Role of Predation on Large Mammals in Tropical Hunter–Gatherer Adaptation // Man. 1982. Vol. 17. P. 393–402.

[72] Inskeep R.R. Nelson Bay Cave, Cape Province, South Africa //  BAR. 1987. Vol. 351; Wadley L. Late Stone Age Hunters and Gatherers of the Southern Transvaal: Social and Ecological Interpretation // BAR. 1987. Vol. 380; Manhire A. Later Stone Age Settlement Patterns in the Sandveld of the South–Western Cape Province, South Africa // BAR. 1987. Vol. 351; Smith A.B. Seasonal Explotation of Resources on the Vrendenburg Peninsula After 2000 B.P. // Papers in the Prehistory of the Western Cape, South Africa / Eds. J. Parkington, M. Hall. (BAR. 1987. Vol. 332. Pt. 1). P. 393–402.

[73] Opperman H. The Later Stone Age… P. 15–20.

[74] Brothwell D.R. Evidence of Early Population Change in Central and Southern Africa: Doubts and Problems // Man. 1963. Vol. 132. P. 101–104; Tobias P.V. Introduction // Symposium on Bushmen of the Kalahari / South African Journal of Science. 1974. Vol. 56. P. 254–260.

[75] Mason R.J. The Last Stone Age San (Bushmen) of the Vaal – Limpopo Basin // South African Journal of Science. 1974. Vol. 70. № 12. P. 375.

[76] См. например: Inskeep R.R. Op. cit.; Opperman H. Op. cit.; Deacon J. My Place is Bitterpits: The Home Territory of Bleek and Lloyds’s /Xam Bushmen // African Studies. 1986. Vol. 45 P. 135–156; Deacon H.J. Planting an Idea…; Mitchell P.J. The Archaeology of the Phuthiatsana- Ea- Thaba Bisu Basin, Lesotho, Southern Africa: Changes in Later Stone Age Regional Demography // Atniquity. 1994. Vol. 68. P. 83–96; Mitchell P.J. Holocene Stone Age Hunter–Gatherers South of the Limpopo River, Ca. 10, 000 – 2000 B.P. // Journal of World Prehistory. 1997. Vol. 11. P. 359–424; Ouzman S., Wadley L. A History in Paint and Stone from Rose Cottage Cave, South Africa  // Antiquity. 1997. Vol. 71. P. 386–404; Lewis–Williams J.D. Agency, Art and Altered Consciousness: A Motif in French (Quercy) Upper Palaeolithic Parietal Art // Antiquity. 1997. Vol. 71. P. 810–830.

[77] См.: Sadr K. Kalahari archaeology and Bushman debate // Current Anthropology. 1997. Vol. 38: 104–12; Wilmsen E.N. Land Filled with Flies: A Political Economy of the Kalahari. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1989.

[78] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 13–14.

[79] Cм., например: Harpending H. Regional Variation in !Kung Populations // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers… P.59.

[80] O деме см.: Афанасьева Г.М. Цели и методы исследования порядка репродукции аборигенов северной Сибири  // Этносы и этнические процессы / Oтв. ред. В.А.Попов. М.: Восточная литература, 1993. C. 79–91.

[81] Балезин А.С., Притворов А.В., Слипченко С.А. История Намибии в новое и новейшее время. М.: Восточная литература, 1993. C. 58; Howell N. Demography of the Dobe !Kung. New York: Academic Press, 1979. P. 8.

[82] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 2–4.

[83] Marshall L. (1960). !Kung Bushman Bands

[84] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P.160, 162.

[85] Для русской транслитерации «н!оре» мы выбрали средний род. В языке бушменов !кунг категории рода нет.

[86] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 4–6, 179–191; Marshall L. !Kung Bushman Bands. P. 334–335.

[87] Ibid. P. 325.

[88] Cравн.: Элленбергер В. Трагический конец бушменов. Пер. с франц. М.: Иностр. Литература, 1956. С. 121–123; Arbousset T. Relation d’un voyage d’exploration au Nord–Est de la colonie du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Paris: Bertrand, 1842.

[89] Boas F. The Central Eskimo // Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology 1884–1885, Washington, 1888.

[90] Dyson-Hudson R., Smith E.A. Human territoriality: An Ecological Reassessment // American Anthropologist. 1978. Vol. 80. P. 28–30.

[91] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 133, 295–303.

[92] Marshall J. Hunting Among the Kalahari Bushmen // Peoples and Cultures in Africa / Ed. E.P. Skinner. New York: Doubleday – Natural History Press, 1973. P. 106–121.

[93] Owens M., Owens D. Cry of the Kalahari. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985. P. 129–130, 137, 293; Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana: Tradition and Social Change. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1986. P. 109.

[94] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 213.

[95] Marshall J. Hunting Among the Kalahari Bushmen. P. 118–121; Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 179–195.

[96] Ibid. P. 198.

[97] Ibid. P. 191–195.

[98] Сравн.: Silberbauer G.B. Hunter and the Habitat in the Central Kalahari Desert. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1981. P 28–34; Barnard A. Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: a Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. 108–109.

[99] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 288; см. также: Thomas E.M. (1994). Management of Violence among the Ju/wasi of Nyae Nyae // Studying War: Anthropological Perspectives / Eds. S.P. Reyna, R.E. Downs. Langhorne PA: Gordon and Breach, 1994. P.  69–84.

[100] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 282, см. также: P. 188, 200, 282, 53, 311–312.

[101] Бьерре Й. Затерянный мир Калахари. М.: Географгиз, 1963. C. 89, 82.

[102] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 359–360.

[103] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 188, 190.

[104] Lee R.B. The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. P. 389–396.

[105] Ibid. P. 390.

[106] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 311.

[107] Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 390.

[108] Balikci A. The Netsilik Eskimo. New York: Garden City, 1970.

[109] Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 394.

[110] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 182.

[111] См.: Blainey G. Triumph of the Nomads: a History of Ancient Australia. Melbourne – Sydney: Macmillan, 1975. P. 107–110.

[112] Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 395–396, 379–381.

[113] Marshall J. Hunting Among the Kalahari Bushmen. P. 108

[114] Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 172–173; Heinz H.J. Territoriality Among the Bushmen in General and the !Ko in Particular // Anthropos 1972. Vol. 67 P. 405–416; Strehlow T.G.H. Culture, Social Structure and Environment in Aboriginal Central Australia // Aboriginal Man in Australia / Eds. R.M. Berndt, C.H. Berndt. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1965. P. 124–148.

[115] Owens M., Owens D. Cry of the Kalahari. P. 59–60.

[116] Picaut J. et al. Mechanism of the Zonal Displacement of the Pacific Warm Pool: Implications for ENSO // Science. 1996. Vol. 274. P.  486–1489; Jin F.F. Tropical Ocean–Atmosphere Interaction: The Pacific Cold Tongue and El Nino–Southern Oscillation // Science. 1996. Vol. 274 P. 76–78; Mathhew B. et al. Horse Sickness and ENSO in South Africa // Nature. 1999. Vol. 397 P. 574.

[117] Cм.: Kershaw A.P. Environmental Change in Greater Australia // Transactions: Pleistocene to Holocene in Australia and Papua New Guinea / Eds. J. Allen, J.F. O’Connell // Antiquity. 1995. Vol. 62. Special Number 265. P. 672.

[118] Cм.: Gordon R.J. The !Kung in the Kalahari Exchange: Ethnological Perspective // Past and Present in Hunter–Gatherer Studies / Ed. C. Schrire. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1984. P. 200–204.

[119] Eibl-Eibesfeldt I. The Biology of Peace and War. London: Thames and Hudson, 1979. P. 160–161; Kaufmann H. Die Auin. Ein Beitrag zur Buschmannforschung // Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten. 1910. Bd. 23. S. 154.

[120] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 293–294, 266; см. также: Lebzelter V. Eingeborenenkulturen in Sudwest und Sudafrika. Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1934.

[121] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 360; Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 7.

[122] Wilhelm J.H. Die Kung Buschleute // Jahrbuch des Museums fur Volkerkunde. 1953. Bd. 12. S. 110–112.

[123] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 283.

[124] Tlou T., Campbell A. History of Botswana. Gaberone: Macmillan Botswana Ltd, 1984. P. 89–114; Sillery A. John MacKenzie of Bechuanaland: A Study in Humanitarian Imperialism. Cape Town, 1971. P. 14.

[125] Yellen J.E., Lee R.B. The Dobe – /Du /da Environment… P. 44.

[126] Tlou T., Campbell A. History of Botswana. P. 121.

[127] Andersson, C. Lake Ngami or Explorations and Discoveries During Four Years’ Wanderings in the Wilds of South West Africa. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1856. P. 333, 361, 488; Vedder H. South West Africa in Early Times. Oxford – London: Oxford University Press, 1938. P. 302.

[128] Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 106, 170–171; Coort, 1976; Hutchins et al., 1976: 13).

[129] Russell M., Russell M. Afrikaners of the Kalahari: White Minority in a Black State. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

[130] Вleek D.F. The Naron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928. P. 2.

[131] Andersson, C. Lake Ngami… P. 371–372, 374–376, 381, 404–405. Cм. также комментарий к Приложению IV)

[132] Ibid. P 381, 374–376.

[133] Cм.: Tabler E.C. Pioneers of South West Africa and Ngamiland 1738–1880. Cape Town. 1973. P. 17–21, 45–49.

[134] Hubbard N.N. Holocene Settlement in the Western Cape, South Africa // BAR. 1989. Vol. 498.

[135] Mallick D.I.G. et al. A Geological Interpretation of Landsat Imagery and Air Photography of Botswana // Institute of Geological Sciences. Natural Environment Research Council. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, 1981. Vol. 6.

[136] Baines T. Explorations in South–West Africa. Farnsborough: Gregg International Publications, 1968 (repr. of: "London, 1864"). P. 334–335.

[137] Ibid. P. 137; Andersson, C. Lake Ngami… P. 381.

[138] Baines T. Explorations in South–West Africa. P. 329.

[139] Ibid. P. 143–145, 110–111, 362–363.

[140] Ливингстон Д. Путешествия и исследования в Южной Африке. М.: Географгиз, 1955. P. 41–42.

[141] Arbousset T. Relation d’un voyage d’exploration au Nord–Est de la colonie du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Paris: Bertrand, 1842. P. 481–482.

[142] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 332.

[143] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 7–8, 62–63, 306; Бьерре Й. (1963). Затерянный мир Калахари. C. 86.

[144] Baines T. Explorations in South–West Africa. P. 137, 140.

[145] Tabler E.C. Pioneers of South West Africa… P. 113–115; Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 78; Howell N. Demography of the Dobe !Kung. New York: Academic Press, 1979. P. 13.

[146] Tabler E.C. Pioneers of South West Africa… P. 113.

[147] De Klerk W.A. The Thirstland. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977. P. 51–52.

[148] Prinsloo J., Gauche J. In die woeste Weste: Die Lydensgeskriedenis van die Dorslandtrekkers. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy, 1933. P. 29–30.

[149] Wilmsen E.N. Land Filled with Flies: A Political Economy of the Kalahari. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1989. P. 123, см. также P. 122.

[150] Vedder H. South West Africa in Early Times. Oxford – London: Oxford University Press, 1938. P. 537–538.

[151] Tlou T., Campbell A. History of Botswana. P. 115–124.

[152] Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 77.

[153] Wilmsen E.N. Land Filled with Flies… P. 134.

[154] Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 32–33, 79–81; Guenter M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 178–180.

[155] Baines T. Explorations in South–West Africa. P. 147.

[156] Gordon R.J. The !Kung in the Kalahari Exchange: Ethnological Perspective // Past and Present in Hunter–Gatherer Studies / Ed. Schrire C. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1984. P. 116–117.

[157] Cравн., например: Shostak M. Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1981. P. 87; Kanjii K. Interface Between Hereros and San of Hamibia: The Ignored Reality /http: www.und.ac.za/und/ccms/articles/ovakuru.htm#juhoan, 2000.

[158] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 330–333; Howell N. (1976). The Population of the Dobe Area !Kung // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers… P. 12–15.

[159] Wilmsen E.N. Land Filled with Flies… P. 144–145.

[160] Shostak M. Nisa… 87.

[161] Ibid. P. 23.

[162] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 160; Lee R.B. The !Kung San… P. 41.

[163] Mallick D.I.G. et al. A Geological Interpretation of Landsat Imagery…

[164] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 160; Howell N. Demography of the Dobe !Kung. P. 43; Yellen J.E., Lee R.B. The Dobe – /Du /da Environment… P. 29.

[165] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 332.

[166] Howell N. Demography of the Dobe !Kung. P. 42.

[167] Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 336; cм. также Приложение III.

[168] Brooks A.S. San Land–Use Patterns, Past and Present: Implications for Southern African Prehistory // Frontiers: South African Archaeology Today / Eds. M.J  Hall, G Avery, D.M. Avery, M.L. Wilson, A. Humphreys  / BAR. 1984.Vol. 207. P. 49–50; Yellen J.E., Lee R.B. The Dobe – /Du /da Environment… P. 45–54.

: 40–52.

[169] Wilhelm J.H. (1953). Die Kung Buschleute. S. 157.

[170] Ibid. S 157–158; см. также: S. 110–112.

[171] См.: Brownlee F. The Social Organization of the !Kung (!Un) Bushmen of the North–Western Kalahari // Africa. 1943. Vol. 14. P. 124–129.

[172] Балезин А.С., Притворов А.В., Слипченко С.А. История Намибии в новое и новейшее время. М.: Восточная литература, 1993.

[173] Passarge S. (1905). Die Buschmanner der Kalahari // Mitteilungen aus den Deutchen Schutzgebieten. 1905. Bd. 18 S. 200.

[174] Tabler E.C. Pioneers of South West Africa… P. 45–49.

[175] Gordon R.J. The !Kung in the Kalahari Exchange… P. 205–206.

[176] Wilmsen E.N. Land Filled with Flies… P. 133.

[177] Bixler D., Biesele M., Hitchcock R. C. Land Rights, Local Institutions and Grassroot Development Among the Ju/’Hoansi of Northeastern Namibia // International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. 1993. Newsletter 2 P. 24.

[178] Heinz H.J., Lee M. Namkwa: Life among the Bushmen. London: Jonathan Cape, 145–146.

[179] Cм.: Tabler E.C. Pioneers of South West Africa… P. 45–49)

[180] Lancaster N. The Pans of the Southern Kalahari // Geographical Journal. 1978. Vol. 144 P. 81–98; Mabbut J.A. The Desert Physiographic Setting and It’s Ecological Significance // Arid Australia / Eds. H.G. Cogger, E.E. Cameron. Sydney: Australian Museum, 1984. P. 87; Owens M., Owens D. (1985). Cry of the Kalahari. 24–25, 321.

[181] Mabbut J.A. Ibid.; Owens M., Owens D. Ibid.; Соколов В.Е., Гунин П.Д. Пустыни Заалтайской Гоби  // Биологические ресурсы и природные условия МНР. М.: Наука,1986. Т. 27. C. 43.

[182] Lebzelter V. Bei den !Kung Buschleute… S. 12–16; Kaufmann H. (1910). Die Auin… S. 154, 136.

[183] Passarge S. Die Kalahari Wuste. 1905. S. 20.

[184] Howell N. (1979). Demography of the Dobe !Kung. P. 8; Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae. P. 4–5.

[185] Heinz H.J. Acculturative Problems Arising in a Bushman Development Scheme // The South African Journal of Science. 1975. Vol. 71 P. 80.

[186] Russell M., Russell M. Afrikaners of the Kalahari…

[187] Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 40–45; Barnard A. (1992). Hunters and Herders… 134–141; Вleek D.F. The Naron. P. 4–7.

[188] Вleek D.F. The Naron. P. 4.

[189] Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 171; см. также: Приложение III и стр. 23 выше.

[190] Ibid. P. 170.

[191] Andersson, C. (1856). Lake Ngami… P. 12.

[192] Lee R.B. The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana. P. 360; Marshall L The !Kung of Nyae Nyae.; Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 7.

[193] Barnard A. Hunters and Herders…; Trail A. Do the Khoi Have a Place in the San? New data on Khoisan Linguistic Relationships // Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika. 1986. Bd. 7. S. 407–430.

[194] Silberbauer G.B. Hunter and the Habitat… P. 190.

[195] Owens M., Owens D. Cry of the Kalahari. P. 51.

[196] Tanaka J. Subsistence ecology of Central Kalahari San // Kalahari Hunter–Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung and Their Neighbors / Eds. R.B. Lee, I. DeVore. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press, 1976. P. 117–119.

[197] Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 171.

[198] Silberbauer G.B. Hunter and the Habitat… P. 192–193.

[199] Sealy J., Yates R. The Chronology of the Introduction of Pastoralism to the Cape, South Africa // Antiquity. 1994. Vol. 68. P. 65.

[200] Brothwell D.R. Evidence of Early Population Change in Central and Southern Africa: Doubts and Problems // Man. 1963. Vol. 132. P. 101–104.

[201] Barnard A. Hunters and Herders… P. 158.

[202] Cм.: Campbell A.C. Notes on the Prehistoric Background to 1840 // Settlement in Botswana. Proceeding of the Symposium on Settlement in Botswana / Eds. R.R. Hitchcock, M.R. Smith. Marshalltown: Heinemann Educational Books, 1982. P. 15.

[203] Barnard A. Kinship, Language and Production: A Conjectural History of Khoisan Social Structure // Africa. 1988. Vol. 58. P. 36–44.

[204] Kent S., Vierich H. The Myth of Ecological Determinism – Anticipated Mobility and Site Spatial Organization  // Farmers as Hunters – the Implication of Sedentism / Ed. S. Kent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. P. 96–130.

[205] Steyn H.P. Southern Kalahari San Subsistence Ecology: a Reconstruction // The South African Archaeological Bulletin. 1988. Vol. 39. P. 117–124; Leser H. Landschaftokologische Studien im Kalahari Sandgebiet um Auob und Nossob. (Erdwissenschaftliche Forschung. Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur). Wiesbaden, 1971. Bd 3; Guenther M. The Nharo Bushmen of Botswana… P. 103.

[206] Heinz H.J. (1972). Territoriality Among the Bushmen… P. 407.

[207] Kent S., Vierich H. The Myth of Ecological Determinism – Anticipated Mobility and Site Spatial Organization  // Farmers as Hunters – the Implication of Sedentism / Ed. S. Kent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. P. 6–130.

[208] Heinz H.J.(1974). Acculturative Problems… P. 79; см. также: Heinz H.J., Lee M. Namkwa… P. 145–146.

[209] Казанков А.А. Особенности адаптаций охотников-собирателей в полупустынных зонах: эгалитаризм как эволюционная перспектива  // Альтернативные пути к цивилизации (отв. ред. Н.Н. Крадин, А.В. Коротаев, Д.М. Бондаренко, В.А. Лынша). М.: Логос, 2000. C. 207-218; Kazankov A.A. Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Semi-Desert Areas  // Alternatives of Social Evolution / Eds. N.N. Kradin, A.V. Korotayev, D.M. Bondarenko, V. De Munck, P.K. Wason. Vladivostok: Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2000. P. 117-122.[209]

[210] Северцов А.С. Направленность эволюции. М.:Изд-во МГУ, 1990. C. 202

[211] Gould S.J. Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Belkap Press of Harvard University Press, 1977. P. 215–219, 358–365, 404.

[212] Цит. по: S.J.Gould. Op. cit. P. 356–357; см. также: Bolk L. Das Problem der Menschenwendung // Vortrag auf der XXV Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Freiburg, Iena, 1926. S. 6.

[213] Harpending H., Jenkins T. Genetic Distance among Southern African Populations // Models and Theories of Anthropological Genetics / Eds. M.H. Crawford, P.L. Workman. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, P. 171–172; Jenkins T., Zoutendyk A., Steinberg A.G. Gamma–globulin Groups (Gm and Inv) of Various Southern African Populations  // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 1970. Vol. 32. P. 187–218.

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