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Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics. Ed. Thomas Banchoff. Oxford University Press, 2008. 359 pp.

Опись А, №40844. См. 21 век.

Contents Contributors, ix 1. Introduction: Religious Pluralism in World Affairs, 3 Thomas Banchoff Part I Challenges of Religious Pluralism in a Global Era 2. Causes of Quarrel: What's Special about Religious Disputes?, 41 Kwame Anthony Appiah 3. On the Possibility of Religious Pluralism, 65 Pratap Bhanu Mehta 4. Toleration, Proselytizing, and the Politics of Recognition, 89 Jean Bethke Elshtain 5. The Rights and Limits of Proselytism in the New Religious World Order, 105 John Witte Jr. Part II Religious Actors in World Politics 6. Building Sustainable Peace: The Roles of Local and Transnational Religious Actors, 125 R. Scott Appleby 7. Religious Actors and Transitional Justice, 155 Leslie Vinjamuri and Aaron P. Boesenecker

8. Religion and Global Development: Intersecting Paths, 195 Katherine Marshall 9. Peaceful Movements in the Muslim World, 229 Thomas Michel, S. J. 10. Trans-state Muslim Movements and Militant Extremists in an Era of Soft Power, 253 John O. Voll 11. Religious Pluralism and the Politics of a Global Cloning Ban, 275 Thomas Banchoff 12. U.S. Foreign Policy and Global Religious Pluralism, 297 Elizabeth H. Prodromou

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