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DeLand, Florida 32720
Home telephone: (904) 734 0061
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e-mail: psteeves@stetson.edu

WEB page: http://www.stetson.edu/~psteeves

Ок. Канзасский ун-т по русск. истории, специализируется по русским баптистам (диссертация:  "Evangelical Awakening in Russia. The Russian Baptist Union, 1917-1935,"). В 1970-1993 г. часто посещал Россию (особенно связи с СПб. ун-том).


Keeping the Faiths. Religion and Ideology in the Soviet Union (Holmes and Meier, 1989)
Church and State in the USSR. A Sourcebook (Stetson University, 1973, 1976).
Издает многотомник: The Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and Eurasia (Academic International Press, 1989- ). К 1996 г. вышло 6 томов.
Некоторые из статей:

"The Canonization of Patriarch Tikhon as a Reflection of New Thinking in the Glasnost Era," (1996)
"Russian Baptists and the Military Question, 1920-1929", (1996)
"Russian Orthodox Fascism after Glasnost" (1994)
"Christian Democrats in Russia, 1989-1993," Niels C. Nielsen, ed., Christianity after Communism (Boulder, 1994), 63-74.
"Gorbachev's Glasnost and Russian Religion," Pro Veritate (Fall 1989), 6-9.
"The 1983 Plenum and the Post-Brezhnev Anti-Religious Campaign," Journal of Church andState, Vol. 28 (1986), 439-458.
"Amendment of Soviet Law Concerning Religious Groups," Journal of Church and State, Vol. 19 (1977), 37-52.
"Aleksandr Karev: Evangelical in a Communist Land," Fides et Historia (Spring, 1976), 61-79.
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