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Его: биография Лютера.

Род. 30.3.1894, Илкстоун, Дербишир, Англия - ум. 13.2.1984, Нью-Хевен, Коннектикут, США. Отец пастор-конгрегационалист. Ок. Йельский ун-т. 1921 женился на Рут Вудрофф. Тут и преподавал с 1936 года до отставки в 1962 г. Автор биографий: Лютера, 1950, Сервета, 1953, Эразма, 1969. Особый интерес к плюрализму в Церкви. Сторонник идеи погружения в историю, сопереживания. "Нельзя вполне понять религию, не будучи религиозным" ("One cannot really understand religion without being religious. The sincere adherent of a faith must desire ultimately, however adroit the approach, to make converts because he believes that his particular faith has the answer to life's most fundamental questions and problems.« Zit. in: Religion and the State University, hrsg. von Erich A. Walter, Ann Arbor 1958, 43-44.) .

Библиография из немецкой статьи Дэниэля Хайнца о Б. (http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/b/bainton.shtml):

What is Calvinism? in: Christian Century 42, 1925, 351-52; The Development and Consistency of Luther's Attitude to Religious Liberty, in: Harvard Theol. Review 22, 1929, 107-49; The Immoralities of the Patriarchs According to the Exegesis of the Late Middle Ages and of the Reformation, in: Harvard Theol. Review 23, 1930, 40-49; Sebastian Castellio and the Toleration Controversy of the 16th Century, in: Persecution and Liberty-Essays in Honor of George Lincoln Burr, New York 1931, 183-209; William Postell and the Netherlands, in: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 24, 1931, 161-72; The Smaller Circulation: Servetus and Colombo, in: Sudhoffs Archiv für Gesch. d. Medizin u. d. Naturwissenschaften 24, 1931, 371-74; The Present State of Servetus Studies, in: Journal of Modern History 4, 1932, 72-92; The Parable of the Tares As the Proof Text for Religious Liberty to the End of the 16th Century, in: ChH 1, 1932, 3-24; Bibliography of the Continental Reformation, Chicago 1935; Academic Freedom in the Light of the Struggle for Religious Liberty, in: Proceedings of the Middle States Association of History Teachers 33, 1935, 37-44; Servetus and the Genevan Libertines, in: ChH 5, 1936, 141-49; Changing Ideas and Ideals in the 16th Century, in: Journal of Modern History 8, 1936, 417-43; David Joris, Wiedertäufer und Kämpfer für Toleranz im 16. Jh., Leipzig 1937; New Documents on Early Protestant Rationalism, in: ChH 8, 1938, 179-87; Servet et les Libertins de Genève, in: Bulletin Société de L'Histoire du Protestantisme Franзais 87, 1938, 261-69; Bernardino Ochino, Esule e Riformatore Senese del Cinquecento, 1487-1563, Florenz 1940; The Church of Our Fathers, New York 1941; The Struggle for Religious Liberty, in: ChH 10, 1941, 95-124; The Left Wing of the Reformation, in: Journal of Religion 21, 1941, 124-134; Congregationalism: From the Just War to the Crusade in the Puritan Revolution, in: Andover Newton Theological School Bulletin 35, 1943, 1-20; George Lincoln Burr, Ithaca, N. Y. 1943; Eyn Wunderliche Weyssagung - Osiander-Sachs-Luther, in: Germanic Review 21, 1946, 161-64; Our Debt to Luther, in: Christian Century 63, 1946, 1276-78; Dürer and Luther as the Man of Sorrows, in: The Art Bulletin 29, 1947, 269-72; Let's Agree on the Reformation, in: Christian Century 64, 1947, 237-39; Review of Boehmer's Road to Reformation, in: ChH 16, 1947, 167-76; Luther's Struggle for Faith, in: ChH 17, 1948, 193-206 (erschienen auch in Festschrift für Gerhard Ritter, Tübingen 1950, 232-43); Luther and the Via Media at the Marburg Colloquy, in: The Lutheran Quarterly 1, 1949, 394-398; The Puritan Theocracy and the Cambridge Platform, in: The Cambridge Platform of 1648. Tercentenary Commemoration, Boston 1949, 76-86; Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther, Nashville 1950; Sebastian Castellio, Champion of Religious Liberty, 1515-1563, in: Castellioniana-Quatres Études sur Sébastien Castellion et L'Idee de la Tolérance, hrsg. v. R. H. B., Bruno Becker, Marius Valkhoff u. Sape van der Woude, Leiden 1951, 25-79; Michael Servetus and the Pulmonary Transit of the Blood, in: Bulletin of the History of Medicine 25, 1951, 1-7; The Querela Pacis of Erasmus, in: ARG 42, 1951, 32-48; The Travail of Religious Liberty: Nine Biographical Studies, Philadelphia 1951; Forschungsberichte u. Besprechungen, in: ARG 43, 1952, 88-106; Luther in a Capsule, in: Bulletin of the American Congregational Association 3, 1952, 1-9; Sebastian Castellio and the British American Tradition, in: Het Boek 30, 1952, 347-49; The Reformation of the 16th Century, Boston 1952; Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus, 1511-1553, Boston 1953; Michael Servetus and the Trinitarian Speculation of the Middle Ages, in: Autour de Michel Servet et de Sébastien Castellion-Recueil, hrsg. v. Bruno Becker, Haarlem 1953, 29-46; Documenta Servetiana, in: ARG 44, 1953, 223-234; ARG 45, 1954, 99-108; Burned Heretic: Michael Servetus, in: Christian Century 70, 1953, 1230-31; The Church of the Restoration, in: Mennonite Life 8, 1953, Nr. 3, 136-43; The Great Commission, in: Mennonite Life 8, 1953, Nr. 4, 183-89; The Frontier Community, in: Mennonite Life 9, 1954, Nr. 1, 34-41; The Enduring Witness, in: Mennonite Life 9, 1954, Nr. 2, 83-90; Man, God and the Church in the Age of the Renaissance, in: Journal of Rel. Thought 11, 1953/54, 119-33; The Age of the Reformation, Princeton, N. J. 1956; The Ministry in the Middle Ages, in: The Ministry in Historical Perspectives, hrsg. v. H. R. Niebuhr u. D. D. Williams, New York 1956, 82-109; The Anabaptist Contribution to History, in: The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, hrsg. v. G. F. Hershberger, Scottdale, Pa. 1957, 317-26; Luther's Simple Faith, in: Luther Today, Decorah, Iowa 1957, 1-33; What Christianity Says About Sex, Love, and Marriage, New York 1957; Yale and the Ministry, New York 1957; Pilgrim Parson: The Life of James Herbert Bainton, 1867-1942, New York 1958; Probleme der Lutherbiographie, in: Lutherforschung Heute, hrsg. v. V. Vajta, Berlin 1958, 24-31; The Making of a Pluralistic Society-A Protestant View, in: Religion and the State University, hrsg. v. E. A. Walter, Ann Arbor 1958, 42-57; Christian Attitudes to War and Peace, Nashville 1960; Early Christianity, Princeton, N. J. 1960; El Alma Hispana y el Alma Sajona, Buenos Aires 1961; The Medieval Church, Princeton, N. J. 1962; Collected Papers in Church History, Bde. 1-3, Boston 1962-64; Christendom, Bde. 1-2, New York 1966; The Paraphrases of Erasmus, in: ARG 57, 1966, 67-76; Studies on the Reformation, Boston 1966; Erasmus und das »Wesen des Christentums«, in: Glaube, Geist und Geschichte (Festschrift für E. Benz), Leiden 1967, 200-06; Erasmus and Luther and the Dialogue Julius Exclusus, in: 450 Jahre lutherische Reformation 1517-1967 (Festschrift für F. Lau), Leipzig 1967, 17-26; Erasmus of Christendom, New York 1969; Women of the Reformation, Bde. 1-3, Minneapolis 1971-77; Behold the Christ, New York 1974; Psychiatry and History: An Examination of Erikson's Young Man Luther, in: Psychohistory and Religion, hrsg. v. R. A. Johnson, Philadelphia 1977, 19-56 (erschienen auch in: Religion in Life 40, 1971, Nr. 4, 450-78); Yesterday, Today, And What Next? Reflections on History and Hope (halb autobiograph.), Minneapolis 1978.

Lit.: Franklin H. Littell (Hrsg.), Reformation Studies: Essays in Honor of R. H. B., Richmond, Virginia 1962 (dort auch Auswahlbibliographie); - Ann Evory (Hrsg.), Contemporary Authors, Bd. 5, Detroit 1982, 34-35; - Steven H. Simpler, R. H. B.: An Examination of His Reformation Historiography, New York 1985 (dort auch Bibliographie); - James Dixon Douglas (Hrsg.), Twentieth-Century Dictionary of Christian Biography, Grand Rapids, Michigan u. Carlisle, Großbrit. 1995, 39.

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