Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

Яков Кротов. Путешественник по времени. Вспомогательные материалы: история разделения иудаизма и христианства.

When Judaism and Christianity began. Essays in Memory of Anthony J.Saldarini. Vol. I. Christianity in the Beginning. Alan J. Avery-Peck et al (eds.). Leiden: Brill, 2004. 647 pgs.

Опись А, №41168.

Matthew 21:12: Trading Words, Turning the Tables,
Timing the End ...................................................................... 3
H?????? W. B?????
James and the (Christian) Pharisees .......................................... 19
B???? C??????
A "Mother of Sons" in Israel and in Matthew's
Jewish-Christian Community ................................................. 49
L??? S???? C?????
Abraham in Marcion's Gospel and Epistles: Marcion and
the Jews .................................................................................. 69
J??? J. C???????
Targumizing Tendencies in Matthean Redaction ................... 93
C???? A. E????
The Pharisees and Jesus in Galilee and Q .............................. 117
R?????? A. H??????
From the Birth of Jesus to the Resurrection: Women in the
Gospel of Matthew ................................................................ 147
T????? R.W. L????????
John the Baptist and Jesus ........................................................ 179
J??? M?????
Deception, Ambiguity, and Revelation: Matthew's
Judgmental Scenes in Social-Science Perspective ................ 199
J????? H. N?????

Antioch's Aftershocks: Rereading Galatians and Matthew
after Saldarini .......................................................................... 231
R????? M. P????
Methodological Reflections on the Tax Collectors in the
Gospels .................................................................................... 251
L??????? M. W????
The Pharisees and the Mishnaic Division of Agriculture
before 70 ?.?. .......................................................................... 269
A??? J. A???? P???
The Importance of the Iturean Principality according to
Josephus and His Contemporaries ........................................ 287
J. A????? O??????
Pesher Nahum and Josephus .................................................... 299
J???? C. V?????K??
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Scrolls .......................... 315
H????? W. A???????
How Jewish Was Mark's Gospel? ............................................ 343
D????? J. H?????????, S.J.
The Legal Nature of Papyrus Yadin 19 and
Galatians 3:15 ........................................................................ 361
T?????? H. L??
The Jewishness of Matthew: Another Look ............................ 377
F???????? J. M?????
The New Testament and the House of Shammai .................. 405
J??? T???????

Early Rabbinic Liturgy in Its Palestinian Milieu: Did
Non-Rabbis Know the 'Amidah? ............................................ 423
R??? L?????
What Use Attributions? An Open Question in the Study of
Rabbinic Literature ................................................................ 441
J???? N??????
Midrash and the Rabbinic Sermon .......................................... 461
G??? P?????
Archaeology and Ancient Synagogues up to about
200 ?.?. .................................................................................... 483
J???? F. S??????
How Society Shaped the Liturgy of the Scribes, Priests, and
Rabbis ...................................................................................... 509
T???? Z?????
Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community and Interreligious
Encounter Today .................................................................... 529
F?????? X. C??????, S.J.
Judaism and Christianity: The Parting of the Ways .............. 545
A??? D. C????
Actualizing Matthean Christology in a Post-Supersessionist
Church .................................................................................... 563
P????? A. C?????????
Realistic Expectations: The Limits of Theological
Negotiation .............................................................................. 577
W?????? S???? G????
How to Read Scriptures for Religious Truth .......................... 601
R????? C??????? N??????

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