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Ср. католичество. Каноны.


Canon 1 The canons of this Code affect all and solely the Eastern Catholic Churches, unless, with regard to relations with the Latin Church, it is expressly stated otherwise.

Canon 2 The canons of the Code, in which for the most part the ancient law of the Eastern Churches is received or adapted, are to be assessed mainly according to that law.

Canon 3 The Code, although it often refers to the prescriptions of liturgical books, does not for the most part legislate on liturgical matters; therefore, these norms are to be diligently observed, unless they are contrary to the canons of the Code.

Canon 4 The canons of the Code neither abrogate nor derogate from the pacts entered or approved by the Apostolic See with nations or other political societies. They therefore continue in force in their present form not withstanding any prescriptions of the Code to the contrary.

Canon 5 Acquired rights as well as privileges granted up to this time by the Apostolic See to physical and juridic persons which are in use and have not been revoked remain intact unless they are expressly revoked by the canons of this Code.

Canon 6 Once this Code goes into effect: (1) all common or particular laws are abrogated, which are contrary to the canons of the Code or which pertain to a matter ex integro regulated in this Code; (2) all customs are revoked which are reprobated by the canons of this Code or which are contrary to them and are neither centenary nor immemorial.


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